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FITNESS / Abdominal exercises after cesarean delivery for women

fitness / Abdominal exercises after cesarean delivery for women

FITNESS / Abdominal exercises after cesarean delivery for women

Abdominal exercises after cesarean delivery

There are many abdominal exercises that can be practiced after cesarean delivery, but the woman has to wait for four to six weeks before starting it, including yoga exercises, and an exercise below the pelvis, in addition to exercising regularly, care must be taken to lose weight by following a system Healthy food.

Bottom exercise:

It is a simple exercise that strengthens the muscles of the lower pelvis and tightens the abdomen, and that is by lying on the back with the knees bent up and feet fixed to the ground, then take a breath with the navel tightening inward, then the breath out with the navel moving outward. Repeat the exercise several times, while maintaining the stability of the rest of the body during the exercise.

Basic exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles:

These exercises can be practiced after four to six months of cesarean section, including squatting exercises, and superman, and kneeling exercises on four sides so that the stomach muscles are opposite to gravity, then the intensity of the exercises is gradually increased, along with an increase in the length of the exercise period in proportion to Body nature.

Kegel exercise in a sitting position connects

 the fascia - a layer of connective tissue - abdominal muscles with the pelvic floor, and Kegel exercise strengthens its work to achieve the best results, as it strengthens the bottom of the pelvis and organizes urine after birth and can be practiced as follows: Sitting on the edge of the seat with feet fixed on Earth, and tightening the muscles below the pelvis to become as if we are trying to prevent urine flow, with the imagination of trying to close and lift both the vaginal opening, the anus and the urine opening away from the chair, then continue in this position for more than five seconds, then take a breath and relax from the position. Repeat the exercise from eight to twelve times with taking a two-minute break between each time, and repeat it twice per day, and it can be practiced in different positions such as lying on the back or standing.

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