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fitness / Exercises to arm and chest

fitness / Exercises to arm and chest

fitness / Exercises to arm and chest


Each of the processes of losing weight, pregnancy, and lactation negatively affects the arms and chest areas, which leads to the occurrence of loose flaps in the skin in each of them, and the consequent feeling of frustration and resentment in many women, but fortunately, they can get rid of this flaccidity And tighten it by practicing several sports exercises designated for that.

  Breast lift exercises

 Chest lift exercise

Lie on the exercise mat, with your knees bent up and your feet flat on the floor. Extend the arms on both sides of the body, and carry a weight of appropriate weight in both hands. Raise the arms along the shoulders, then point them towards the back of the head, until they form two right angles with the shoulders. Re-stretch the arms along the shoulders, then return them to both sides of the body. Repeat the exercise in two groups, with them resting for three seconds, so that each group includes 30 lifts.

push up

Taking pressure position with the body resting on the hands and toes, so that the hands are at a level further than the shoulders, and slightly spacing between the legs. The exercise depends on maintaining the previous position as long as possible. Repeat the exercise in three groups, so that each group lasts for a minute. Facial landing exercise
Sitting on the floor by sitting down to prostrate. Bend the back toward the floor and place the shoulders on both sides of the body at a level further than the shoulder level. Fall back and face until they are close to the ground, with the arms extended straight on both sides of the body, then return to the previous position. Repeat the exercise in 4 groups, so that each group includes 20 movements.

Wall push-ups

Stand with the back stretched up and arms extended along the body. Start by circularly wrapping the right shoulder, from top to bottom, ten times. Repeat the same exercise with the left shoulder. Wall Press Exercise Standing away from the wall, with the body and arms tilted straight towards it, and the shoulders fixed to it so that they are along the chest area. Lower the object toward the wall by maximally bending the elbows, then re-spacing them again. Repeat the exercise on 3 groups, so that each group contains 8 movements.

Arm arms exercises

Push up chair

Sit on the floor with the legs extended and place a chair at a suitable height behind the back. Hold both hands with the front of the chair behind the back. Lift the object off the ground by generating appropriate pressure force on the chair, hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the sitting position. Repeat the exercise on 3 groups, each group containing 10 lifts.

Arms lift exercise

Stand with your back slightly bent forward, stretch your arms down, and carry the appropriate weight in both hands. Bend the arms up and then lower them back. Repeat the exercise ten times.

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