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fitness/Weak leg muscles

fitness/Weak leg muscles

fitness/Weak leg muscles

Weak leg muscles

 Many people experience pain in the legs due to poor musculoskeletal muscles and their atrophy, and this health problem results for several reasons, most notably the lack of a type of hormone needed by the body, genetics, or age; As the elderly and children are affected by weakened leg muscles more than others, and most cases have weakened muscles as a result of making a great effort that exposes the leg muscles to developing chronic infections that reach the bone.
  Causes of weak leg muscles
Lethargy and lack of physical activities on a daily basis, and to avoid exposure to this problem it is advised to walk for half an hour a day in order to strengthen weak muscles, and can also run jogging and yoga. 
The incidence of neuromuscular diseases, in which case the injured is treated naturally under the supervision of a specialist to perform light and appropriate physical exercises.
 Take medicines that affect the bone negatively, in which case you should consult a doctor to replace the medicines with other types. Vitamin D deficiency in the body, and to supply the body with this vitamin, the body is exposed to the sun for fifteen minutes every day in the early morning, and thus the body acquires vitamin D, and eat foods rich in vitamin D such as eating sardines, salmon, whole grains, orange juice, and milk and its derivatives.

Ways to strengthen the muscles of the legs

 Leg exercises:

Squat exercise with lifting weights: standing upright with carrying weights, then bend the knees down and the thighs are parallel to the ground and stay in this position for ten seconds, and then stand again, and repeat the exercise from ten to twelve times and is divided into three groups.
 Stretch Leg Exercise: Lay a chair, sit on it, and stretch the legs, then bend the knees and place them at the bottom of the foot cushion, then raise the legs up until they are parallel to the body, then return to the starting point slowly, and repeat this exercise from ten to twelve times and divide it into three groups.
Lie on the stomach: lie on the abdomen and put a leg curl exercise machine on the heels, then bend the legs with an attempt to pull them towards the buttocks, then return to the starting position slowly, and repeat the exercise from ten to twelve times and divide into three groups.
Tips for building leg muscles
Focusing on the weight of the weights that are required to apply the exercises, it is important when performing exercises to increase the weight load gradually and increase the number of groups. Ensure that you exercise quickly and physically to get a better result.
Change the exercises every week and replace them with other exercises so that the legs don't get used to the exercises and stop growing.
Take a rest while doing exercises to avoid body fatigue, and you should take enough sleep.

Healthy foods that build leg muscles

Foods that are high in calories, are available in meat, vegetables, fruits, and nuts, and avoid snacks such as cakes and fast food that cause inactivity in the body. Eggs, legumes, chicken, fish, and milk.

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