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fitness / Chest exercises at home

fitness / Chest exercises at home

fitness / Chest exercises at home

Chest muscles

Chest muscles are one of the most visible major muscles that give the body its attractiveness, and all men and women search for healthy, sporty and graceful bodies, and there are a lot of exercises that work to strengthen the chest muscles, highlight them well, and get rid of their sag. But nowadays there are many people who cannot go to gyms to play sports. In general, different pressure exercises are considered one of the best chest exercises, and through this article we will present some home-based physical exercises that work to strengthen and tighten chest muscles and get rid of their sagging

Home exercises to strengthen and tighten the chest

The push-up exercise: It is considered one of the most important exercises that work to strengthen the chest effectively, especially for people who suffer from lower chest sagging. Exercise ten times a day, taking into account taking one to two minutes off.

Dumbbell pressure exercise:

It is by lying on a floor furnished with carpets or training brushes, then bending the knees and grabbing the dumbbell and lifting it upward depending on the chest muscles, then lowering it to the bottom, at the end the lifting of the dumbbell to the top and then staying in that position for a few seconds, then return to the first position, It is preferred to repeat the exercise 12 times a day.

Diving exercise between two chairs:

Exercise can be practiced by placing two chairs apart from each other, then standing between the two chairs and holding them from above, and then going down and going up and then holding for a few seconds, and the exercise must be repeated in four groups daily and in each group 12 times.

Ball pressing exercise:

It is by lying on the abdomen, then holding the ball between the hands and the fingertips, going up and down as is the case in the pressure exercise completely, it is preferable to repeat the exercise daily from twenty to thirty times in four rounds, taking into account obtaining a break between each round.

 Push-up and leg lift:

It is the best exercise to strengthen the upper chest muscle and is by lying on the ground, then raising the legs on a strong table or table, after which the hands are placed on the ground and then doing the same regular pressure movements, but slowly up and down slowly, and it is preferred to repeat the exercise daily 15 times in three rounds, With a two-minute break every three rounds.

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